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By Blog Master
Posted: 05/26/2021
Pasadena Village Wins Award for Humor!

This year the Pasadena Village entered its first bra in the popular and fun 18th Annual Bras for a Cause sponsored by Soroptimist International of Glendale.  Village member Karen Bagnard has created and submitted at least a half dozen bras over the past years, and  has won several awards.

“What a great way for the Pasadena Village to get some exposure and take part in a fun project!”, she exclaimed at a Membership Committee meeting.  She then invited other Village members to join her on the “Support the Bra Team.”  

With creative guidance from Karen and Lucinda Haagenson, and support of team members Paula Rao, Toni Kavanaugh, and Billie Spinat, the Pasadena Village bra titled, “Little Old Lady of Pasadena Village" was born!  

It began over wine in a “bra-storming” meeting held on Zoom.  The team wanted the bra to exhibit all the wonderful events the Village has to offer incorporated into the design.  The theme this year was “Wonderful Women” to which the statement became, “The Little Old Lady of Pasadena Village has it all!”  And the bra displayed just how much right down to two ping pong balls strategically placed, to highlight the Village ping pong group.

Once completed, the “Support the Bra Team” held a happy hour viewing for members of the Village.  From there Lucinda submitted photos and the creative team all did high-fives as they waited to find out the results of the judging.  “The Little Old Lady of Pasadena Village” won “Most Humorous” Award.  The beautiful lucite “trophy” and the framed award will be available for viewing in the Village Office… along with the bra.

Being on Zoom this year instead of the usual gala dinner at the Oakmont Country Club, presented a unique challenge in this pandemic year.  Soroptimists met the challenge and were able to execute a fun and profitable event to support women battling cancer.  This turned out to be one of their most fun and successful events ever - even on Zoom!  And it was a great way for Pasadena Village members to contribute their creative skills towards a worthwhile cause.

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