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An Apparently Normal Person Author Presentation and Book-signing

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By Blog Master
Posted: 07/01/2021



Pat Dawe, President - Village Member since 2018
Pat Dawe is a retired city planner, architect, and environmental software developer and has recently launched a website featuring his graphic designs. Pat likes to create and organize things. As President of the Board, Pat wants to focus on organizational growth which includes a more diverse membership, a successful and invigorating reopening, and securing funding from a variety of sources.  As Pat explains, “we can tangibly see advancements that have been made in many areas of the Village over the last few months, particularly in development, membership, and communications. I think the Village has moved from an era of scarcity to one of opportunity, and we can use this positive outlook to build back better.”

Sue Kujawa, Vice President - Village Member since 2015
Sue Kujawa was the founding Executive Director of the Pasadena Village.  As a member she enjoys the book group, the educational programs, and the neighborhood walks.  “I learn so much from the educational programs, and that knowledge is reinforced by the daily lessons I learn from my fellow Village members.  Because of the Village I am much better prepared for whatever the future may bring.” Sue is the editor of the monthly e-newsletter and is the retiring Treasurer.

Claire Gorfinkel, Treasurer  - Village Member since 2012
Claire Gorfinkel is the Chaplain of the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center.  She has been executive director of a social justice organization, and was a fundraiser for most of her professional career. She is familiar with budgets and fundraising. “I value the deep friendships I have made through the Village, the many activities, and the opportunity to get to know new people.” She is looking forward to serving on the Executive Committee. As Treasurer, she will work to provide regular comprehensive and understandable documents to the Board that accurately show the organization’s financial position.

Esther Gillies, Secretary  -Village Member since 2013
Esther Gillies, MSW, LCSW, is currently the president of the California Social Welfare Archives (CSWA) at USC and is a retired Clinical Associate Professor from the USC School of Social Work.  For over 21 years she worked in a variety of positions within the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services – finishing her career as Bureau Chief responsible for all direct social services provided to families within Los Angeles County.  Since 2014 Esther has supervised two MSW students assigned to Pasadena Village who work with our high needs members as part of their field placement requirements.  She also serves as the liaison between the Village and the two universities (University of Southern California and Azusa Pacific University


 Betty Ann Jansson  - Village Member since 2012
Betty Ann Jansson founded the nonprofit organization, Women at Work. She has a strong background in nonprofit management, and dedication to strengthen Pasadena Village’s finances and development activities. Betty explains that she “values how Pasadena Village offers a way to age in a more healthy way and allows us to stay in our homes as long as we wish.”  She looks forward to working with the Board to increase membership, with an emphasis on making the Village more diverse.

Barbara Madden  - Village Member since 2012
Barbara Madden is a retired social worker who worked at a family service agency, in mental health clinics, and in private practice. She served on Pasadena Village’s board several years ago and currently is involved in the Support Assessment Team and organizes the Neighborhood Group leaders. She is very interested in Village sustainability and wants to find ways to involve younger people. “For me, the most valuable part of being involved in the Village are the social connections I’ve made with people I wouldn't have met otherwise.  These new friends have broadened and enriched my life.” She expressed that the biggest challenge of the Village is the age of our members. Most people joined in their 70s and are now older. She is interested in the long term, in building an organization that is solid enough and flexible enough to survive and flourish.

Paula Rao - Village Member since 2012
Paula Rao is the President of the Board of The Music Circle, a non-profit arts organization founded in 1973 by her late husband which presents the classical music and dance of India to Southern California audiences. She studied art with Corita Kent and currently uses her creative talents in the redesign of the Village website. She wants to get more members involved in the many aspects of the Village and wants to work toward making the Village sustainable.

Ron Stoffers 
Ron Stoffers is a fiduciary, court-appointed conservator, and former banker. He is certified in both Trust Management for Trustees and Trust Management for Conservators from CSU Fullerton and a member of both the local Fiduciary Roundtable and Monrovia Providers. He has been the membership chair of the board of directors of a national organization with 17,000 members. He grew up in Pasadena and returned to raise his family here. He brings a strong financial background and knowledge of membership-based nonprofits.


We are grateful for the service of the following board members.

Shizuko Akasaki has not only been a board member for six years, she served as President for three terms!  She remains an active member of the Village.

Leni Fleming remains active of the SAT (Support Assessment Team) where her background as a visiting nurse makes her a key resource in supporting our most frail members.

Bob Snodgrass brought his passion for social justice to the Inclusivity Committee where he served as chair for two years.  Bob has recently moved to Seattle to be closer to family but he remains an active Zoom participant in meetings and programs.

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