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So Cal Women's Health Conference

By Blog Master
Posted: 12/05/2021

Since its launch in 2000 the Southern California Women’s Health Conference & Expo has brought together thousands of women, families, community-based health organizations, medical professionals, and beauty and wellness experts for a day of education, inspiration, and fun.  Each year more than 80 community and service organizations partner with a committee of 60 women and men from the health industry, community leadership positions, and businesses, to make this conference a success,  The conference has offered hope and encouragement to more than 9,000 patients and survivors of cancer and other devastating diseases.

This year Pasadena Village Executive Director Katie Brandon served on the Planning Committee, along with Village member Marna Cornell.  They were able to meet some of the amazing women (and some men) who are integral to the success of the conference and movers and shakers in the local community.  And Katie made use of her contacts to secure items from local businesses to add to participants’ gift bags.

Lena Louise Kennedy, founder and conference director, says, "The Women's Health Conference relies on strong community partnerships to make each year a success. We are so grateful for Pasadena Village's leadership in the planning of this year's event."
The conference took place on November 12 with more than 200 vaccinated attendees convening at the Pasadena Hilton Hotel.  A nearly equal number participated via an online platform (Remo). Those who gathered at the Hilton heard presentations on health and wellness, took advantage of a chance to network, watched a fashion show, and enjoyed a delicious lunch. The “virtual” participants had their lunch delivered to their homes along with gift bags full of goodies.

Pasadena Village member Marna Cornell invited five friends to her house to share in the information and the fun. They watched panel discussions and presentations on many aspects of women’s health which prompted interesting discussions over lunch. Marna commended the planning team for their great organization and technical support that enabled those at home to feel a part of the day.
Said Marna, “The panel discussion about mental health was especially helpful. The women were so honest about the struggles in their lives and how they were coping. I loved their honesty. I really related to their stories and found it very helpful to hear what they did to take care of themselves.”

A highlight of the day was the presentation of the "Treasured-Hands Award".  This year's award went to the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for their service to the community by helping individuals overcome obstacles without expecting rewards or recognition in return. The award was accepted by the Chapter President, TyAnne Evans, who said, “Our chapter has brought a level of professionalism, commitment, dedication, and such kindness as we put in thousands of hours of service to the community for the past 20 years. This award recognizes a selfless sorority that worked behind the scenes without seeking credit or the limelight for their efforts.”

On the importance of these conferences, Ms. Kennedy adds, “These types of events are so critical, because it's the opportunity to take the “what's possible” and make it real.  A day like today is a day when we can say our dreams are going to become reality, and nothing can stop us if we do things together.”

To find out more click on this link:   Learn more about the So Cal Women's Health Conference 
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