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Bibliography and Reading List of materials

By Blog Master
Posted: 09/29/2020
- Dick Myers -

The American Institute for Economic Research has published what appears to be a very thorough bibliography of material regarding the 1619 project. The bibliography is a listing up materials that debate the purpose and accomplishment of the project. It appears to be a very straightforward summary of those materials and should be a useful reference for anyone interested in reading more about the discussion about the project.

We also maintain a list of materials that may be of interest to those seeking more information. This list is broader in purpose and includes links to materials that we have featured for discussion. It is broader in the sands that we do not limit it to discussions about the project itself but include materials that appear in some way to be related to the discussion that the project engenders. This document is available in Word form or as a PDF. It is updated frequently, but somewhat irregularly.

Neither list is intended as an endorsement of the materials on the list . The intent is merely to provide a convenient reference for anyone interested in finding more information.

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