Blog archive
February 2025
Another Community Giving Back
Diary of Disaster Response
Eaton Canyon Fire: A Community United in Loss and Recovery
Healing Powers of Creative Energy
Living the Mission
Message from the President: Honoring Black History Month
Surviving and Thriving: Elder Health Considerations After the Fires
Treasure Hunting in The Ashes
Villager's Stories
A Beginning of Healing
Hectic Evacuation From Eaton Canyon Fire
Hurricanes and Fires are Different Monsters
January 2025
At Dawn by Ed Mervine
Thank you for Relief Efforts
Status - January 30, 2025
Needs as of January 25, 2025
Eaton Fire Information
Fires in LA Occupy Our Attention
Escape to San Diego
Finding Courage Amid Tragedy
Responses of Pasadena Village Jan 29, 2025
A Tale of Three Fires
Flintridge Center: Pasadena Village’s Neighbor That Changes Lives
By Sally AsmundsonPosted: 05/01/2024
On April 12 Pasadena Villagers heard an informative and moving presentation from Josh McCurry, the executive director of the Flintridge Center. Many Villagers remember Jaylene Moseley of the Flintridge Foundation and know the story of how our fledgling Village was able to rent space from the Flintridge Center. The Flintridge Center has continued to grow and expand the work that began in 1986.
This is how Flintridge describes its mission and vision:
“Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty and violence through community planning, innovation and action. We envision a healthy, safe community where families thrive, youth reach their full potential, and equality and opportunity are accessible to all.”
Josh told us about the three current programs run by the Flintridge Center. All are impressive because of both the personal and individual attention provided and their success rate.
The “Youth of Promise” provides development and diversion services on an individual basis to youths from 11-18 in Pasadena and Altadena. They work with local schools and other services like the Caltech Y, and 90% of the high school graduates in the past two years are in college or employed and the younger ones have not entered the justice system.
The “Apprenticeship Preparation Program” has been in place and growing for 10 years. Its focus is on gang-impacted and formerly incarcerated people, helping them prepare for careers with union jobs in the construction industry. The construction industry has been more open than others in hiring the formerly incarcerated. Flintridge Center currently runs this 240-hour program three times each year with 25 in each class. Ninety percent of the graduates do not return to incarceration; the L.A. County’s average is 53%. Seventy percent of the graduates are employed in union apprenticeships or other industry jobs within one year.
“Reintegration Services” helps individuals with a wide range of services designed to give them the support and resources they need to re-enter the working world and find success. Many enter the Apprenticeship Preparation Program but others need stable housing, legal support and other services. The recidivism rate of the many participants is 15%, compared to the L.A. County rate of 47%.
Josh’s enthusiasm and professionalism talking about the Flintridge Center was infectious and many of us were left thinking about ways Pasadena Village could support these programs. For more information, check out