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By Blog Master
Posted: 08/22/2022


There is a saying that goes something like this: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do”.  This saying reminds me of an experience “on the road” many years ago.  


One time, many years ago, I was travelling alone through the Southwest. I had a little guidebook that described some hikes off the Burr Trail, a road that is now part of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park. I picked out a canyon I thought would be nice to explore, and, as a safety measure, I left a note in my room stating where I was going. I figured that if I didn’t come back someone would eventually go into my room and know where to look for me.

So off I went with my little guidebook up the spectacular Burr Trail until I came to a little parking spot near a canyon with a little stream. With two liters of water and my guidebook, I headed up the canyon. It was unbelievably beautiful. I was particularly taken by a cluster of sandstone cliffs, some of which looked like frozen sand dunes.  A little farther along, I stopped paying attention to the guidebook. I wandered all day, never seeing another person. I enjoyed a lovely little lunch, and when I had drunk one liter of water I turned around and headed back.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that I had not been on my intended trail, not even close to it. So my little safety measure would have been no help at all!

I sometimes recall this little adventure when I think about Pasadena Village and its journey. 

I was fortunate enough to participate with a small group in bringing the Village to life some ten years ago. Back then the nationwide Village concept was pretty new - there really wasn’t any road map to guide us. So, working on our own, we designed Pasadena Village to respond to the needs and interests of its members. Over the years, we have made much progress. The Village has successfully adapted to changing environments (e.g., Covid) along the way. And we have learned so much! 

Now the Village has a newly adopted Strategic Plan that will serve as our road map for the next three years. I’m excited to serve as the Board chair as we embark on this new path. As part of a national Village movement we will transform the way older adults navigate the opportunities and realities of aging. Our community is healthier, stronger and more diverse when we support the older adults who live here. Knowing this, our Strategic Plan will guide us as we become recognized as a leader in helping older adults age-in-place. We will become a valuable community resource for older adults who want to age with self-determination while remaining active and integrated in the place they call home.

I enjoyed my little Burr Trail adventure and other roads I've taken solo throughout the West. Through these journeys, I've learned that it helps if you know where you are and where you are going. I've also learned that there are times when it’s not so good to go it alone! 

With our Strategic Plan in place, we now have a good idea of where we are going, and the road looks exciting. With the participation of our members, volunteers, donors, and community partners, we know we are on the right path. 

What a great time to be part of Pasadena Village! Thank you for joining us on this amazing adventure. 


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