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No Discussion Meeting on May 3rd

By Richard Myers
Posted: 05/02/2024
Tags: election, action

Due to personal travel commitments, there is no meeting scheduled for May 3, but the world goes on and  the news intrudes on our lives everyday. There are many things in the news everyday that are relevant to the topic that we focus on, the lingering imprint of the transaction that occurred in 1619. The imprint affects every story in the news in some way. 


Our goal in this discussion group is to spread an awareness of how that impinges on our lives. It certainly is relevant to the election year that we are in. The stakes are high. A number of my friends and associates, both in Pasadena and Villa Gardens, where I live, have come together as individuals to try to make a difference in the election; one of them has created a reference that can be helpful to us. My friends and associates are involved in letter writting campaigns and this reference source describes how anyone, anywhere can participate in letter writing, but it also goes further to suggest other ways that we can contribute to meeting our goal. The reference is entitled, " Well then do something." All of this activity of the action of the individuals involved to share interest and efforts. 


On May 17,at 12 Noon,we will meet to discuss Civil Rights and some new meetings to commemorate significant events in the Civil Rights Struggle of the 60's. We hope you'll beable to join us for that. 


-Dick Myers





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