Blog archive
February 2025
Another Community Giving Back
Diary of Disaster Response
Eaton Canyon Fire: A Community United in Loss and Recovery
Healing Powers of Creative Energy
Living the Mission
Message from the President: Honoring Black History Month
Surviving and Thriving: Elder Health Considerations After the Fires
Treasure Hunting in The Ashes
Villager's Stories
A Beginning of Healing
Hectic Evacuation From Eaton Canyon Fire
Hurricanes and Fires are Different Monsters
January 2025
At Dawn by Ed Mervine
Thank you for Relief Efforts
Status - January 30, 2025
Needs as of January 25, 2025
Eaton Fire Information
Fires in LA Occupy Our Attention
Escape to San Diego
Finding Courage Amid Tragedy
Responses of Pasadena Village Jan 29, 2025
A Tale of Three Fires
Who Controls Our History Controls Our Future
By Blog MasterPosted: 07/25/2021
Special thanks to Sharon Jarrett
The meeting began with a reflection which employed the statement “He who controls
the past controls the future”.
The group focused on the concept that “traditional”; historical narratives were being
revealed to not, in fact, reflect history as revealed in primary source materials,
contemporaneous reporting and oral history. Many participants reported finding this
emerging knowledge to be unsettling and disturbing.
Many examples were provided by the participants of historical matters they were
unaware of such as the role of African American women in the suffrage movement, the
Tulsa Massacre, the Mt Meadow massacre, and the new information on the events of
the Alamo. The fact that these events are being revealed to be very different from the
history taught in the past led to a brief discussion of the myth of history rather than fact
of history. Several participants reported feeling this was endangering the country.
One participant noted that beyond the facts not being taught, current education did not
teach students how to judge facts and sources, make judgements or ask questions.
Students are not taught the skills to be a critical thinker.
The group next reflected on the appropriateness of having varied laws on voting among
the states. The question was raised about the federal level determining how voting
proceeded. No conclusions were reached.
One participant suggested familiarizing ourselves with the work of Marshall Rosenberg
in the book “Compassionate Communication”. The author outlines a process for
discussion including:
- observing the behavior of those you are engaged with
- identifying your feelings about this behavior
- stating your needs
- respectfully requesting changes in behavior
Starting conversations locally using these processes was discussed. Included was the
suggestion that using elements of the sharing economy can be an open way to begin.
One participant shared how her neighbors changed when she placed a mini lending
library in her yard, then began sharing vegetables from her garden and eggs from her
hens. An environment of trust was established and a willingness to be open to
The meeting concluded with another thought for reflection...appreciate others and care
for yourself.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 20th at 12 PM PST.
The regular meeting scheduled for the first Friday of the month, August 6th, has been
canceled due to other personal commitments of the moderator. We hope to see everyone
again on the third Friday.