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Critical Race Theory Reviewed

By Blog Master
Posted: 11/08/2021
Notes by Sharon Jarrett

There was no formal reading for the meeting.  The initial discussion began with the general topic of Critical Race Theory.  Additional topics were also discussed.

The first question raised was what a definition of Critical Race Theory included.  Several participants acknowledged that they were struggling to understand the theory as it was formatted and presented in a non traditional way.  The theory appears to have emerged from academic discussions beginning in the 1970s and continuing to the present.  There is a series of essays which seem to form the basis of initial thought associated with Professor Kim Crenshaw. It was noted that these essays are available on the website of the American Bar Association.  None of the participants was able to find a reference to the theory in the standards for the K-12 curriculum.

One participant noted that some negative comments he found seemed related not to the content associated with the theory but to those who are associated with the theory.  Some are Marxists by their own reporting. Another participant noted that there seems to be a focus on developing a balance between the Eurocentric record compared to what actions have historically been taken and the experiences of those who are not white.  Another participant noted the effect was to provide a mechanism to continue the status quo and not uplift the experiences of people of color.

The group then moved to a discussion of the elections earlier in the week.  It was noted that the suburban voters seem to be drifting to the center right.  There seems to be concern about the amount of discussion about race.  A resistance to exploring a comprehensive understanding of history was noted.  It was suggested that failing to engage in new learning allowed for not taking actions.

A participant recommended the book See No Stranger by Valerie Kaur. A discussion followed on the value of meeting others and having experiences outside your own community.

The next meeting will be November 19th at Noon.  The speaker, Adrian Panton, will join us to discuss the history of the African American community in Pasadena. Adrian Panton is associated with the Pasadena History Museum and has made this presentation in the past in other venues with very good reception. We look forward to having it presented to our group.

The link for the meeting will be sent via email to our mailing list. If you would like to be added to the list, simply send an email to

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