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Header image for Pasadena Village showing nearby mountains and the logo of the Pasadena Village


a series of four images laced together - the first is a picture of under The Colorado Street Bridge, the second is an older woman pouring wine into a cup held by another older woman, the third is a group of older adults playing ping pong, fourth image is of a group of older adults in a car while one is giving the camera a thumbs up in the back seat

This is a Site Map. Click Any Item to View Contents of this Website

    About Us
        Support for Members
        Event Calendar
        Community Events
        Our Organization
        Aging Resources
        National Village Movement
        Village Movement California
        Village to Village Network
        Join Us 
                Membership Application
                Membership Application PDF
  Our Organization
        Committees & Teams
        Small Group Gatherings
        Pasadena Village IRS 990 Tax Return
        Pasadena Village Guidestar Profile
  Why Membership
        Event Calendar
        About Gatherings
        What We Offer
                Glendale Was A Sundown Town Before Carol
                Who Are You, And Why?
                Does My Neighbor Care About My Black Feelings?
        Need for Community
                Village Voices Blog
        Making New Friends
                Committees & Teams
                About Gatherings
        Intellectual Stimulation
                1619, The Lingering Imprint
                 Racism Now Blog
                 Men's Time Blog
                 Heritage, History, & Memories That Shape Us
                 Science Monday Blog
        Overcoming Loneliness
                 I Know Loneliness
        Preparation for Retirement
        Diversity and Inclusion
        Welcome LGBTQ+
                 Strategic Plan 2022-2025
                 Gay Student Organization
                 Out Front by Jane Harrigan
                 Wayne April's "member connection"
                 Membership Application
                 Membership Application PDF
    History of the Village
    Newsletter Archive
    Village Movement California
        About Us
    2022-2027 Strategic Plan

BLOGS - Member Posts (see below) 

        Membership Application
        Membership Application PDF
        Fee Structure
    Support for Members
        Volunteer Opportunties
                Volunteer Application
        Why Membership
    Aging Resources
    In Memoriam

    Event List
    Event Calendar
    Community Events
    About Gatherings
    Presentation Recordings

    Volunteer Opportunitites
        Volunteer Application

    Become a Business Partner
        Business Partner Benefits

    Contact Us

BLOGS - Member Posts

    1619, The Lingering Imprint

        Discussing the impact of the history of slavery in the US, up to and including the present.  

   A Poetry Gathering

        A place for Villagers to share their own poetry or the poems of those they love. This is a place to celebrate the written word.


Discussing topics relating to ergonomics: the fit between people and the things/environments they use


        A meandering river leaves a rich alluvial floodplain where wild things take root and flourish.
        This is a place where the creativity of our membership can flourish in the same way. 

Men's Time 
Discussion topics considered by the Men's Group, where members reflect on
        issues of importance and interest that shape their lives, but are seldom discussed in other circles.

Ms Vyk's Salon

Ms Vyk Is the teacher we all wished we'd had who inspired our our love of literature and learning.
The name comes from the background of our initial contributor who wrote diaries from the age of 10,
took creative writing later in life and wrote so well that she was given this nickname by her teacher.


        Pasadena Village Newsletter informs the greater community about Village programming
        and initiatives. The newsletter is a key communication tool learn about Village events and news
        relating to aging in the greater Pasadena area.

Racism Now

        Personal encounters with racism, either dispiriting or uplifting and illuminating are the core of this
        blog. Emotions connect us to the reality of racism and hearing them makes us witnesses.

Rumor of Humor

Humor is good medicine for everyone. A laugh, a chuckle or even a fake guffaw is said to benefit us by producing endorphins. This section posts some good humored images weekly.

Science Monda

        Modern Science discussions during Science Monday Meetings

What The Village Means to Me

        Village members, volunteers, donors and friends tell us what the Village means to them and
        how they have benefited from their involvement.


Pasadena Village, 236 W. Mountain Street, #104, Pasadena, California 91103
626-765-6037 •