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Event name

2023 National Virtual Village Gathering at the Office


Tue 10 / 03 / 2023
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Village Office
236 W. Mountain St, #104
Pasadena CA 91103

Who can attend

Open to all

Limited capacity: Registration Closed




Katie Brandon
Attend the national virtual conference along with fellow Pasadena villagers. Plan to attend at the Village Office and watch on the big screen. Or you can Zoom from your own device if you register at $75/each payable to Pasadena Village.

During this year's virtual conference, Pasadena Village representatives Sandra Moffett, Bruce Christensen, and Katie Brandon will join Charlotte Dickson from Village Movement California for a conversation about Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB): The Business Case and the Journey
  • business case for DEIB
  • Village Movement California’s comprehensive approach to advancing DEIB work
  • presentation by Pasadena Village leaders re DEIB, strategic plan, steps taken to
  • engage the LGBT and African American communities
  • exercise to identify participants’ next steps within their villages

2023 Virtual Conference Topics
  • For those of you who are joining us in person, we will stream the Village Conference at the Office. The main sessions will be in the meeting room, and for the breakout rooms, we can have that room for one session, and a second session available in Katie's office for viewing. 
    Tuesday, October 3
    8:00-8:15 AM Welcome - VtV Network Executive Director Barbara Sullivan and Board President Dr. William Kincaid

    8:15-9:15 AM Keynote Speaker - AARP
    9:15-10:00 AM  Breakout sessions (choose one)

    1-B 10 Tips for Effective Grant Writing for Villages - Neighbors of Northern Colombia County - Grant writing workshop

    1-C The Challenge of Executive Transition - Mount Vernon at Home - How to plan and execute a professional and thorough transition to a new CEO and/or staff.

    1-D Social Fit, A Program to Promote Physical Fitness of our Members - Seabrook Island Village - A video program to promote physical fitness.

    10:15-11:00 AM Breakout sessions (choose one)

    2-A How to Create, Develop and lead a Village Group on Aging, Death and Dying - Bethesda Metro Area Village

    2-B More Than LGB: Expanding the Conversation Around LGBTQ+ Aging - Capitol Hill Village - Member and volunteer recruitment, DEI in your community, data collection, engagement and advocacy.
    2-D Developing a Living Solo Group - Viva Village

    11:00 AM  
    Panel discussion: Encouraging Village Diversity- Arlington Neighborhood Village, Coastal Neighbors Network, Lamorinda Village, Northwest Neighbors Village - Explore how four Villages are expanding their membership and volunteers to better reflect the diversity of their communities.

    12:15-1:15 PM Speaker Legislative update - Robert Blancato

    1:15-2:00 PM Networking Time - Meet your Network Villages!

    Wednesday, October 4

    8:00-8:10 AM Special Message Message from Alison Barcoff, ACL - A message from ACL administrator assistant secretary for aging

    8:10-9:00 AM
    Network Updates Kim Grier, Project Manager - Updates on strategic partnerships with USAging and NCOA

    9:00-9:45 AM Breakout sessions (choose one)

    3-A Turn the Page on Age: Age inclusion, intergenerational programs, strategic partnerships - The Village Chicago

    3-C Villagers as Change-Agents: How One Village is Engaging Community Leaders in a new Age-Friendly Vision - Mt. Pleasant Village

    3-D Technology workshop - Manuel Acevedo, Helpful Village

    10:00-10:45 AM  Breakout sessions (choose one)

    4-A Leveraging Resources Handbook - Arlington Neighborhood Village - How Villages are Collaborating with their Area Agencies on Aging.

    4-B More Than A Meal - Lancaster Downtowners - Collaborative Community Engagement.

    4-C Goodwin Living- Jessica Fredericksen - Stronger Memory program.

    4-D Bricks for Better Brains- Viva Village - Exploring your creativity as you build your cognitive reserve.
    10:45-11:45 AM DEI and Belonging - The Business Case, the Journey Charlotte Dickson, Village Movement California; Katie Brandon, Sandra Moffett, Bruce Christianson, Pasadena Village

    12:00-1:30 PM DATA/PCORI Data and Research projects update - Dr. William Kincaid; Rand Corp.; Dr. Emily Greenfield, Rutgers Hub for Aging Collaboration

    1:30-2:00 PM Wrap/Networking