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a group of older adults standing on top of a hill overlooking Los Angles smiling


Since its founding ten years ago Pasadena Village has operated effectively as a close-knit Villager-driven organization of older adults who plan and implement a wide variety of programs for our mutual benefit as we age in place. We emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic with the goal of growing stronger and providing a richer slate of programs and support for our Villagers and, importantly, the community. To get there, we have developed this Strategic Plan as a road map to guide the next five years of our Village.

We seek to achieve a new, higher level of effectiveness for our Villagers and the community. This Strategic Plan (the first for Pasadena Village):

  • states a clear set of priorities for action by staff, volunteers, and the Board of Directors
  • provides insight for donors and partners about our purpose and approach
  • begins the process of building the infrastructure to support Village goals and objectives




Pasadena Village is a membership organization of adults over 55 whose mission is to foster vital independent living in a spirit of mutual support, enrichment and inclusiveness.


We invite older adults to thrive though new friends, meaningful experiences, and involvement in our wider community.


Inclusiveness: We create a welcoming environment where everyone is treated with respect regardless of age, ability, race, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or political preference.
Enrichment: We promote participation, providing opportunities for growth.
Service: We commit to work for the good of Pasadena Village and the community at large with everyone having a role to play.
Appreciation: We value and encourage each person's gift of time and energy to the Village.
Joy: We encourage humor and good cheer.
Reflection: We provide opportunities to contemplate and share thoughts about life.
Legacy: We strive to share our values to build a better world.

two older woman smiling at the camera while the one in the front is holding up a drink



In summer 2027, Pasadena Village will be a thriving, Villager-driven community of over 275 older adults in the greater Pasadena area. Pasadena Village will be a catalyst for conversation and activities on aging. The organization will be recognized as a leader in helping older adults age-in-place, and have a even stronger reputation for connecting older adults to the aging resources available in our community. It will be a financially strong nonprofit organization able to provide increasing value to the organization and the community.

We will deliver a curriculum of quality program offerings covering topics older adults need and want to know about, and grow our community of mutual support so Villagers can continue to age with grace, purpose, and self-determination.



This plan is bold and realistic, inviting and exciting Villagers to get involved in its implementation. All elements of Village experiences and operations have been considered, and priorities have been produced by eight Functional Area groups, each representing relevant Village committees and small group gatherings:

LEADERSHIP: Village organization and leadership

DEVELOPMENT: fundraising for the Village

FINANCE: development of the budget

PROGRAMS: social, cultural, and educational activities including affinity groups

MEMBERSHIP: attracting, nurturing, and educating our Villages

COMMUNICATIONS: internal and external information, including the website

SUPPORT: internal and mutual support for Villagers and volunteers

PARTNERSHIPS: relationships with outside organizations

Development of Priorities

These functional area groups each conducted a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis to focus on the areas where the Village is doing well, and where it has opportunities of improvement. With input from the memberships, these groups identified the most important focus areas. Solutions to many of the priorities are shared by more than one group.

The recommendations of the Strategic Plan are intended to be implemented over a period of five years by the staff, Villagers, and volunteers. Details including the timing, cost, and persons responsible are detailed in the annual Work Plan which will be updated by the staff and progress will be shared with the Board of Directors on a regular basis.



PRIORITY 1: Membership Diversity and Growth

Pasadena Village must grow to be sustainable, and we must rise to the challenge of expanding our reach. Inclusivity is a core value of Pasadena Village, and outreach strategies will be targeted to reflect the rich diversity of our community. A recruitment and retention strategy will be developed that will be accessible to Villagers from diverse communities. Villagers will work together to cultivate an atmosphere of participation and contribution. 

  1. Increase membership and retention to achieve 150 by July 2023; 225 by July 2025; 275 by June 2027 
  2. Expand recruitment outreach by partnering with organizations such as faith-based communities, fellow nonprofits, and local businesses (Fall 2022 and ongoing). Deploy the Outreach Team at community events to raise visibility of the Village and attract people of color and younger potential Villagers
  3. Utilize the website and social media to share the benefits and advantages of membership in Pasadena Village. Create a Communications Plan addressing all areas of outreach by Spring 2025
  4. Annually evaluate current Villagers’ interests, involvement, and expectations. Improve Villager retention. Launch an integrated orientation process in Summer 2024 which includes one-on-one and small group interactions with new Villages
  5. Evaluate various organizational configurations to identify models that significantly facilitate growth and diversity of the Village.


PRIORITY 2: Villager-driven Programming & Community of Support

Pasadena Village Villagers take an active role in building our community, thus strengthening their independence, reducing the negative effects of isolation, and addressing the wide variety of needs that come with aging.  As Villagers age, interests and abilities change, while the desire to find purpose and meaning in life remains. Pasadena Village will maintain its core structure of Villager-driven programming and build on its community of support so that all Villagers are enriched by their involvement in the Village.

  1. Examine program committee structure and succession strategies, and make recommendations for improvement to the Board of Directors by Spring 2025. Engage current and new Villages in developing additional policies and processes
  2. Launch a curriculum of essential topics that older adults can make use of to support their autonomy (legal, medical, financial, etc.) by Summer 2024. Continually build on the information and recordings, and make them publicly accessible online.
  3. Clarify and define the types of support that are needed by and offered to Villagers, especially those who may be facing limitations or chronic physical conditions, and those who are in temporary situations such as surgery or illness. Strengthen the Village Visitors volunteer pool, and other forms of support, in order to respond to specific needs (Fall 2022 and ongoing)
  4. Develop strong partnerships with other organizations that can provide services to Villagers who are ill, facing loss, or at the end of life (Fall 2022 and ongoing).


PRIORITY 3: Leadership and Volunteer Development

Villagers are responsible for building and maintaining the Village community. Pasadena Village relies on Villagers and volunteers to create programs and provide peer-to-peer support. As people age and new Villagers join, cultivating and orienting new leaders will be critical to ensure the continuity of the mission and vision of the Village. Non-Villager volunteers, especially those under 55, will contribute to the community, reduce isolation, and promote inter-dependence. The Village will provide a structure to be open and responsive to creating new programs and ways of support.

  1. Strengthen the recruitment and coordination of volunteers. By Fall 2022, onboard a new staff position to match the talents, interests, and availability of Villagers and non-Villager volunteers with the specific needs of the community. Staff will work with Villagers to improve recruitment, training, cultivation, retention, appreciation, and tracking of volunteers.
  2. Create operational/procedure manuals for all areas of the Village operations to improve volunteer effectiveness (Fall 2022 through Summer 2024)
  3. Combat ageism and isolation by providing more intergenerational opportunities for engagement. Develop new programs that will connect older adults with community members of all ages (beginning in Spring 2023)
  4. Develop a system to identify potential leaders and develop pathways to leadership, especially for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) older adults (by Summer 2023 and ongoing)
  5. Inspire and recruit Villagers and volunteers to work on the implementation of these Strategic Plan goals that will sustain and strengthen the Village (beginning in Fall 2022)


PRIORITY 4: Sustainable Funding

Sustainable nonprofit organizations are built on a diverse funding base. Pasadena Village will improve its donor cultivation processes to identify and solicit donations from a broad donor base, including foundations, businesses, and individuals.

  1. Improve donor cultivation and recognition for Villagers and non-Villagers. Research and implement new donor software to support our ability to track and cultivate donors by Summer 2023
  2. Provide materials and training to Villagers and volunteers so they can be advocates for the Village mission (Spring 2023 and ongoing)
  3. Solicit foundation funding in order to fill the needs of the aging population of the Pasadena area, to develop new programs and target specific segments of the population
  4. Explore establishing a Legacy Fund to build investment income to support the Village (by Summer 2023); Grow and use the Jim Goodell Memorial Fund to enable low-income Villagers to fully participate in the village
  5. Implement a planned giving program by Fall 2023


two older men smiling, sitting around a blue table


This Strategic Plan is the result of an intentional process of planning ahead so that Pasadena Village can maintain a strong level of service, self-determination and sustainability. Because this was our first Strategic Plan process, a significant amount of time was invested in identifying priorities. 

The Executive Director will be responsible for the Strategic Plan’s progress. Board members will be engaged in the implementation process and the Vice President - Strategic Planning will regularly update the Board on the accomplishments in the current year and review of what remains to be done. The staff and volunteers will work with committee leadership, task forces, board members, and entire membership to implement this plan, identify new priorities, refine outdated ones, and keep the goals and objectives updated over the next five years.  

The Strategic Plan will also provide a framework for our three-year budgeting process, with detailed budgeting for the first year and more general allowances for future years. This annual process will produce a rolling three-year budget and action process of implementation of our highest priorities. 


Pasadena Village, 236 W. Mountain Street, #104, Pasadena, California 91103
626-765-6037 •